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Roland van Laar

Entrepreneur in Education

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After upgrading my Plus One to Android 5.0 and 5.1 XPrivacy stopped working. The Xposed Installer gave these messages:

Error message: xposed not yet compatible with SDK 22 or your processor architecture (armeabi-v7a)

Cannot link executable dependencies: Library “” not found.

The New Art

Android 5 changed the virtual machine from Dalvik to Art. XPosed was originally written for Dalvik and incompatible with Art.


You need the following to install XPosed for Plus One with Android 5.1:


  1. Make a backup via TWRP
  2. Open the Xposed Installer App -> Framework -> click uninstall.
  3. Open TRWP Manager -> Install -> Add zip: Navigate to
  4. Wait, your phone will reboot.
  5. Open the XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk, it will install automatically.
  6. Open Xposed Installer App, update XPrivacy
  7. Reboot and voilà, XPrivacy is working again.

More information about XPosed on Android 5.x